
#6 The Value of Understanding Industry Trends

Join Chris Tabb and Greg Coquillo where they will be discussing the following topics: • What’s a Hype Cycle • What’s happened in the past to things they have been Hyped • What is the Next Big thing • How to keep ahead in a fast-paced environment. LinkedIn registration

#7 Data Modeling Boosting Business Value Busting Limitations

Join Chris Tabb and Veronika Durgin where they will be discussing the following topics: • How does a Data Model increase business value? • Should we map Business Process to Data Models? • What’s the future of Databases? • Why are foreign keys a foreign language for so many? • JBOT vs Kimball vs Inmon […]

#8 The Evolution of BI and Analytics

In this session, Chris Tabb and Ryan Dolley will take you on a journey through the evolution of BI and analytics, showcasing how they have evolved from mere data reporting to game-changing decision-making systems. Discover how businesses like yours can leverage the latest advancements in technology to gain a competitive edge in the ever-changing landscape. […]

#9 Adding Value by reducing friction using DataOps

Join Chris Tabb and Guy Adams, CTO at, where they will be discussing the following topics: • Why not having Automation is No longer an Option. • What are the common pitfalls of moving to a DataOps Approach • Where DataOps meets Data Products • The difference between Orchestration and DataOps LinkedIn registration

#10 The Business Value Case for Data Modelling

Join Chris Tabb and Serge Gershkovich, Product Success Lead at SqlDBM and author of Data Modeling with Snowflake, where they will be discussing the following topics: • History of Data Modelling • Concepts covered in Serge’s Data Modelling on Snowflake Book • Data modelling approaches JBOT vs Data Vault vs Inmon vs Kimball vs Burn […]