Data Maturity Assessment Framework

The LEIT DATA Maturity Assessment Framework has been designed to establish a comprehensive 360 view of your organisation.

There are six Data Assessments available, each with six dimensions enabling targeted bench marking of maturity levels.

The size and maturity of your own organization will determine whether you should evaluate against all, or a sub selection, of the assessments.

Once the results are available LEIT DATA will be able to present a tailored support package to help you level up the organisation to its desired state.

Data Value
Asset Management

"How aligned to the business is our data service delivery model?"

  • Data Accessibility

  • Data Principles

  • Business Engagement

  • Operating Model

  • Data Management

  • Business Models

Data Innovation
AI/ML Readiness

"How ready are we to deploy AI/ML ?"

  • Strategic Maturity

  • Route To Value

  • Data Ethics

  • Technology Agility

  • Advanced Skillset

  • Data Verification

Data Monitoring
Platform Management

"How effective are we at managing on our data platforms?"

  • Level 1 Application

  • Level 2 SaaS

  • Level 3 Connectivity

  • Level 4 Content

  • Level 5 Quality

  • Level 6 Usage

Data Ops
Operational Enablement

"How effective are our methods for deploying data solutions?"

  • Operational Alignment

  • Pipeline Capabilities

  • Deployment Automation

  • Meta-Data Management

  • Code Control

  • Architecture Complexity

Data Delivery
Process Optimization

"How optimized are our architectural design and coding principles?"

  • Environment Configuration

  • Platform Utilities

  • Pipeline Code

  • Consumption Code

  • User Administration

  • DataStores

Data Security
Risk Management

"How well are we protectingthe data in our business?"

  • Attribute Controls

  • Access Controls

  • Authentication

  • Privileged Access

  • Governance Processes

  • Security Configuration