Enhancing Database Design and Collaboration: Why LEIT DATA Recommends SqlDBM


In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, efficient database design and collaborative tools are crucial for businesses to ensure data integrity, streamline workflows, and drive innovation.

One platform that caught the attention of LEIT DATA is SqlDBM (sqlDBM.com). SqlDBM facilitates the creation or migration to various cloud-native data warehouses like Snowflake, Synapse, Databricks and Redshift. Whether your objective is to transfer your current enterprise data warehouse and data lake or construct a fresh data warehouse, SqlDBM caters to the needs of BI experts, granting users access to advanced features without necessitating any manual coding efforts.

In this article, we delve into the reasons behind our recommendation of SqlDBM for effective database design and collaboration.

Visual Modelling for Intuitive Design

SqlDBM’s standout feature is its intuitive visual modelling interface. Traditional database design often involves complex SQL scripts, which can be daunting for users without extensive technical knowledge. SqlDBM’s visual approach allows even non-technical team members to actively participate in the database design process.

The platform provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating and modifying database structures through an interactive, drag-and-drop interface. Tables, columns, relationships, and other elements can be visually added and customized, making the design phase both efficient and user-friendly.

Real-Time Collaboration for Enhanced Productivity

Collaboration is a cornerstone of modern business operations, and SqlDBM excels in this regard. Multiple team members can work together on the same database model in real-time, irrespective of their geographical locations. This eliminates the need for cumbersome file sharing and version control, ensuring that everyone is working on the most up-to-date version of the model.

This real-time collaboration enhances productivity and facilitates cross-functional teamwork. Business analysts, developers, data architects, and other stakeholders can collectively contribute their expertise to create a comprehensive and accurate database design.

Seamless Integration with Modern Data Ecosystem Tools

What truly sets SqlDBM apart is its seamless integration with some of the industry’s leading data ecosystem tools. Businesses that rely on Snowflake for cloud data warehousing can easily synchronize their SQLDBM database designs with Snowflake, ensuring a smooth transition from design to deployment. For teams collaborating through Confluence and Jira, SQLDBM offers native integration, allowing for the direct embedding of database diagrams and design details within Confluence pages and Jira issues. Data engineers and data scientists leveraging Databricks for advanced analytics can also benefit from SQLDBM’s compatibility, as it streamlines the process of translating visual database designs into Databricks-ready code. Moreover, SQLDBM facilitates integration with Google BigQuery, simplifying the path from design to implementation for organizations that rely on BigQuery as their data warehousing solution. This extensive integration support positions SQLDBM as an invaluable hub within the data management ecosystem, enhancing collaboration, and promoting efficiency across the data lifecycle.

Versioning and History Tracking

Database design is an iterative process, and keeping track of changes is crucial. SqlDBM offers versioning and history tracking functionalities, enabling users to view and revert to previous versions of the database model. This capability provides transparency and accountability, ensuring that every modification is documented and can be analysed if needed.

Snowflake Schema Monitoring

SqlDBM’s Snowflake schema monitoring is a feature designed to provide users with critical insights into the performance and health of Snowflake data warehouses. This monitoring functionality empowers data professionals to maintain optimal database operations, ensuring that Snowflake-based systems run smoothly.

Schema monitoring provides real-time insights, historical data analysis, and customisable alerts, all of which contribute to maintaining high-performance, reliable Snowflake-based systems. This monitoring capability is essential for organizations relying on Snowflake to store and manage their data, ensuring that they can make the most of this powerful cloud data warehousing solution.

Security and Data Privacy

Data security is paramount in today’s digital landscape. SqlDBM recognizes this and takes appropriate measures to protect sensitive information. The platform employs industry-standard security protocols to safeguard user data and designs. Additionally, role-based access controls allow administrators to manage permissions, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to specific aspects of the project.


In a data-driven world, efficient database design and collaboration are essential for businesses to remain competitive and adaptable. SqlDBM’s visual modelling capabilities, real-time collaboration features, compatibility with various DBMS platforms, and emphasis on security make it a standout choice for our data consultancy. By recommending SqlDBM, we aim to empower businesses to design, develop, and manage their databases with greater ease and efficiency, ultimately leading to more successful data initiatives.